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Madison Area Youth Soccer Association

Recreational: 9U/10U

2024-2025 eligibility: 9U is for children with 2016 birthdates and 10U is for children with 2015 birthdates.

Spring 2025 cost: $170. Registration closes Jan. 7. Register now

2024-2025 OVERVIEW

  • One or two weeknight practices each week, based on volunteer coach/team preference and availability.
  • Eight games in MAYSA leagues in Spring 2025. Half of the games will be in Oregon, with the other half in Madison-area communities. Most games will be on weekends, but some could be on weeknights.
  • Teams can choose to play in tournaments, at an additional cost.
  • A uniform is required; these are the same uniforms used during the 2023-2024 season.
  • Parent volunteer coaches are needed — soccer and/or coaching experience is preferred, but not required. Coaching courses, assistance and resources are available at no cost. Learn more
  • Girls can choose to play on all-girls teams or on coed/boys teams.
  • Age groups could be combined to provide playing opportunities for more players.


  • Games will be 7v7 (six field players plus a goalkeeper)
  • Per U.S. Soccer guidelines, a "buildout line" will be used. The buildout line is used to promote playing the ball out of the back in an unpressured setting. When the goalkeeper has the ball, either during play or from a goal kick, the opposing team must move behind the buildout line. Once the opposing team is behind the buildout line, the goalkeeper can pass, throw or roll the ball to a teammate. After the ball is put into play, the opposing team can then cross the buildout line and play resumes.
  • Punting the ball is not allowed, as this would defeat the purpose of the buildout line and reduce the opportunity to play out of the back in an unpressured setting.
  • Offside will be used in MAYSA league games, but only inside the buildout line.
  • No intentional headers allowed. As part of the U.S. Soccer Player Safety Initiative, heading the ball is not allowed in leagues with players 10 and under. Rule: "When a player deliberately heads the ball in a game, an indirect free kick should be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the offense. If the deliberate header occurs within the goal area, the indirect free kick should be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the infringement occurred. If a player does not deliberately head the ball, then play should continue."

The Oregon SC Academy program also is a Recreational program for 9U/10U players. Learn more

Winfred Byrd

Recreational Commissioner

Martha Klug

Assistant Recreational Commissioner

2024-2025 Uniforms

Oregon SC 9U and older Recreational teams again will wear the Hawk jersey produced by High Five and provided by Stefans Soccer, which is now part of Soccer Post.