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Madison Area Youth Soccer Association

Resources for Coaches

Volunteer parent coaches are an integral part of Oregon SC.

These parents volunteer their time and experience to help lead teams and players in all recreational programs. Volunteer coaches also serve as assistants and game coaches in our Academy program and as assistants to our professional coaches on competitive teams.

Please consider volunteering to coach. The In-House, Academy and Recreational programs cannot operate without volunteer coaches. Oregon SC will provide coaching education at no cost.


Age Level Center / AR1 / AR2
9U/10U $22 / $16 / $16
11U/12U $34 / $24 / $24
13U/14U $46 / $34 / $34
15U/16U $58 / $42 / $42
17U+ $68 / $48 / $48

Referee fees are the same for MAYSA and WYSA State League games.

  • For MAYSA games: Home team pays all referee fees.
  • For WYSA State League games: Each team pays half of the referee fees.

Visit the Coach Education Hub on the Soccer Parenting Resource Center and sign up to receive information about free webinars on soccer, teaching and coaching experts from across the world.


Check out the Oregon SC YouTube channel and watch demonstrations and explanations of attacking moves, turns, ball mastery skills, goalkeeper drills and fitness drills you can teach your players.