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Madison Area Youth Soccer Association

Veo Cameras

Oregon SC has two Veo cameras that can be used to record matches and practices.

Match video is very important for any high school-age players who would like to play college soccer, and game (and practice) video can be very helpful for coaches and players to identify areas of improvement and to reinforce and highlight positive developments. And, it's a way for parents or other family members and friends to be able to watch games they would otherwise not be able to see.

An annual Veo subscription is required for each camera, and those fees are part of the Competitive Program fees. Our high school-age teams have priority for the Veo cameras, to assist those players hoping to move on to play college soccer. If possible and as schedules allow, we could use the cameras for Academy games or training sessions.

Veo camera

Steve Alvarez

Veo Camera Program Co-Coordinator

Matt Erbs

Veo Camera Program Co-Coordinator


We rely on parents from Oregon SC Competitive teams to record their teams' games. If you are interested in learning how to use the Veo cameras and record and upload matches, please email